Trying To Get Into Gear

Today I had hoped to sleep in. The best I got was 6:15 before Anneliese hopped down and went to wake up Fritz. I knew then, it was a matter of time before they were all awake and wanting to go out. So, up I got and after getting my robe and slippers on, padded my way into the kitchen, turned on the coffee, and then went out to the back yard with four happy, healthy pups!

I turned on my computer and tried to read my email. Thank you to those who have written. I have been a bad blogger lately, but trust me, I do not write well when I feel exhaustion like this.

Hubby slept in. He got up about 8 and I made breakfast for him.Then we got into gear. You see today was our new patient, get to know you, physicals with our new doctor.

Some of you will recall that our doctor left his practice and went into Emergency Medicine instead. Dr. C. is our new Family Doctor. He was nice and I think we will be able to work with him, but it was hard because we both really like our old doctor, Dr. D.

We’re both pretty healthy, and all we need to do is to get our blood work done (cholesterol etc.) and then we go back in two weeks to go over it all.

The rest of the day seemed to slip by and now it’s time for pajamas and slippers again. I think another early night will help get me back to my usual self.

Until then, I’ll just keep working hard to get it in gear and get things done.

Oh, to sleep just a little late!

One thought on “Trying To Get Into Gear”

  1. Me too are feeling that urge. To sleep late, but it seems not to happen lately. Lot of duties. I know how it is to change Doc too. Not fun.

    How about coming over and have some Rocket Fuel Soup? *giggles*

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