A Real Princess

I am watching Anneliese as she grows up. She is beautiful. Her lines are lovely. Her face is delicate and feminine. She holds her body in a perfect pose and she is learning to heel at my side.

Oct 13 060

Anneliese is also a sweetheart. Not that the other dogs aren’t, but somehow Anneliese has decided that being by my side in the chair, in the kitchen or outside is the place to be.

Can you believe that this is the little baby that came into our house almost a year ago in December?

Ah, they grow so fast. They are hardly babies anymore. Soon we will be breeding Greta again and her B litter will be on the way. (And NO, I am not going to keep any of these pups!)

Meanwhile, I am really enjoying the experience of having a puppy from birth onward. It really is such an adventure. There is no getting used to the house for the pup, no learning about who you are; there is just this gentle acceptance that you ARE their family.

I think it’s one of the best things that Hubby and I have ever done!

9 thoughts on “A Real Princess”

  1. Yes I agree that Anneleise is indeed a lovely lady with good lines. She stands so beautifully. Seems like she should be in a show somewhere showing off her beauty to others.

  2. Hi Mom,
    Hope your weekend was a good one! The game on Friday night was tons of fun! Then I placed 2nd in a poker tourney on Saturday, which I was very excited about!
    Today, working from home, and having my car looked at in the shop!
    Hope you have a great day!

  3. I’ not an expert, but when you say Anneliese is feminine, I take your word for it.

    I can understand it has been a lovely thing to grow them and i am so glad you’ve shared it all with us!

  4. I think I could never do that, not with a dog and not with a cat, I would keep all puppies and kitties and for that I would have to buy almost a castle and hire a lot of personel, lol !

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