This & That Wednesday

It was one of those perfect Autumn days today. Not too cold, not too hot, blue skies and bright colored leaves painting the area all around my house. It’s like God took his paint brush and an Autumn palette of colors, and then dabbled golds here, reds there and oranges everywhere. I looked out over the lake and thought there was nothing prettier, but then I had to run to the grocery store for a loaf of bread and coming home I saw the mountains in the distance and they were painted in an even more spectacular way!

Oct 20 013
Our home.

We took today to begin the slow process of preparing the house for winter. Hubby put away three of our window air conditioners, and worked a little more in the yard cutting away dead vines and clearing the path between our house and Emily’s for her.

I washed cabinets in the kitchen and then I made the fatal mistake of going down to my laundry room and once I saw how much it needed cleaning, I spent another hour down there vacuuming and washing things down.

In between, I was taking dogs outside to do their business and I then attempted to get the next thing on my list done. The funny thing was, when I tried to take a break, I would make a cup of tea and go to sit down with it, and that’s when another dog would need to go out, or want to come in!

Yes, that’s my real job in life…door opener for the dogs!

It feels that way some days.

I also experimented and made Hubby baked stuffed manicotti (low salt version) and it really came out well. The only thing I will do before I make it again is get a pastry bag with a long nozzle for filling the manicotti! I didn’t have one and so I did it with a spoon. It was not easy to do, certainly very messy, but in the end it tasted fine.

The day is nearly done now, the dogs are all asleep on the floor and I’m putting up my feet and plan to watch a little TV.

7 thoughts on “This & That Wednesday”

  1. Oh, what a wonderful, wonderful view… is this your house? I adore it. And a cup of tea sounds like a great idea… 🙂

    I am glad you’re experimenting with the low salt cooking 🙂

  2. Oh the joys of the approaching winter…

    We to are enjoying the changing season colour, but it is spring! And, of course, we are fully into spring cleaning!!

    Oh, and the doggie door opener does not work here. I quickly learnt that (and so did Macc) he either ‘hangs on’ until the absolute last minute or he is out and that is where he stays… Or at least that is where HE thinks he will stay! It is a matter of we have HIM in his place rather than us… 🙂

  3. Oh my what a busy but beautiful day. Hey burnt had a good suggestion in putting in the doggie door. You might entertain the thought. Enjoy your beautiful Autumn. Our trees are just now turning colors here in Indiana.

  4. Your house looks beautiful all surrounded by fall! Hope you have a great day today! Should be another nice fall day!
    Love you,

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