Counting Down

A week from today we leave for our vacation trip to The Panama Canal. I hosted a dinner for all my dog sitters tonight, making manicotti, salad, garlic bread and apple crisp. All low sugar and low salt. And it tasted good! Yippee!!

So now we start the tough part. The thinking and pulling out and folding of the clothes we will pack for this trip. Shoes, bathing suits and rain gear as well. I’ve been trying to get Hubby to commit to making a good list with me, but he is a “last minute packer” and I just know I will need to get after him in order to get his clothes out.

I know pretty much what I want to bring, it’s just a matter of getting it out and getting it folded up. It’s quite a production when you are going to be gone for this long.

I plan to tan as much as I can during the week and on Friday I have scheduled a day of beauty. Hair and nails and hopefully when I get done, I won’t look half bad!

Emily was trying to reassure me today that she will take good care of the dogs and that she will make sure they aren’t too lonely while we are gone. I know she will, but I will miss them a lot, I just know.

The clock is ticking now and I really need to kick my game plan for the trip into gear.

4 thoughts on “Counting Down”

  1. Enjoy your vacation! But do the smart packing too 🙂
    It’s hard when you have to plan for changing weather…but you two will have much fun and the dogs will be in very good hands!

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