The week sped by and suddenly it was Thursday night. So as we listen to continual episodes of Law & Order, I sat down to write.
- Well, I was busy doing the dishes on Thursday and heard the telltale noises of a dog retching. I stopped what I was doing and ran toward the sound. There was poor Lili throwing up on my bedroom rug! Ugh! I tried to hurry her outside, but she only made it to the family room, where she threw up again on another carpet!
2. Get a dog they said it will be fun they said!
3. 45 minutes later, I cleaned up the carpets and floor and settled poor Lili.
4. Heidi was worried about her big sister and slept next to her.
5. Lastly, this weekend the Christmas Fairs return to my little area. I will be going to two of them. I have missed them. Crafts, Christmas music, and neighbors. And a slice of normality returning.
They really have bonded well.