Oh, Deer!!!

It was the most amazing day. Not only was I packing our things, (and making great progress!) but after finishing my lunch I looked out the back door and saw that two young deer had wandered into our yard and were sampling the fallen apple tree leaves.

Oh so quietly I told Hubby about this and then put the dogs in our bedroom, and got the camera to take some pictures. It was an impossibly dark day with a lot of rain, but I managed to get a couple of pictures of our young deer.

deer 1

Deer 2

Deer 3

I love deer, but seeing these youngsters made me think that if they are coming into a densely populated area, then the herd is getting too large and the food sources are dwindling. Hunting season begins in a few days and this will help to thin the herd and make it possible for the strong ones to survive the winter.

These deer and the wild turkey’s that came through the other day, remind me of why I love living where I live. The wildlife always thrill me, always make me feel a part of something that is larger than me.

6 thoughts on “Oh, Deer!!!”

  1. So neat! I love when I see wildlife too! Great that you were able to get pictures (and good idea about putting the dogs “away” first!) lol! 🙂

    Have a great day!

    Love you,


  2. We’ve seen deer close to our house, when its been snowy, but never had them in the garden. Its great to have wildlife that close to home! 🙂

  3. Simply beautiful. I knew the feeling. We have surprisingly much wildlife even here outside our apartment. Roedeer and fox between the houses, that’s incredible in a bit city. OK, the suburbs but still!

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