Dear Ones,
In the event you think I have dropped off the face of the world, I can assure you that no, I am still here, just in the middle of the ocean.
Life has slowed down dramatically, and finally I can sleep normally again.
I have met nice people, and strange people and some who you just wonder how the heck they ever got together in the first place.
I watch and study, feeling rather removed from it all.Three of my five shore excursions have been canceled.
This is disappointing. However, I have taken the time to walk around on shore. Thus, I am discovering just how out of shape I am.
I am not deterred and take my Tylenol and Motrin, and then laugh at the old woman I have become.
I am alive. And before my next trip in May I will get my legs in shape.
More later.
Enjoy. You look wonderful.