Christmas Eve Report

Christmas Eve we had our friends, Jim and Laura over along with their two daughters, Katie and Emily. Yes, their daughter is our Emily! We also had our next door neighbor, Aglaia over to enjoy a few appetizers, and a nice meal. We had so much fun!

First we ate shrimp cocktail, along with crackers and spreads, and Hubby provided drinks for all. We then exchanged gifts. That was even more fun! Here is a picture of Hubby getting a bottle of his favorite Scotch!

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Then it was time to sit down and have dinner. We served a Greek salad, ham, turkey, stuffing, green beans, butternut squash, mashed potatoes, gravy, relish, pearl onions and rolls! We ate until I thought we all might pop!

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The conversation was lively, but by the time we got done we were all feeling pretty exhausted. I blame the turkey, which is known for making people sleepy! Emily disappeared after the dinner portion and we looked into the family room and found her sound asleep on the sofa!

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Emily came back to life long enough to have some of the three pies that we served. Apple, blueberry and pumpkin!

We all seemed to eat a lot more slowly than we did during the main portion of the meal. So much food!

Once the dishes were cleared our guests departed for their homes to prepare for Christmas the next day. Hubby and I sat up watching A Christmas Story for the millionth time. Somehow, Ralphie and his pals make us laugh every time we watch this movie!

Then off to bed we went where visions of “Doggie Claus” danced in our heads!

5 thoughts on “Christmas Eve Report”

  1. Looks like a very nice Christmas Eve ! Yes, we too had too much food ! It was very nice in Amsterdam and we came back yesterday. I have got a lot of cats for my cat collection, lol !

  2. What a lovely looking gathering…

    What was prompsing to be a warm Christmas day, even Christmas eve was warm, turned out to be a very cool day! We had a top of just 17C! After going to midnight mass, we went to L’s parents for lunch not retuning home until well into boxing day!! EXHAUSTED!

    Merry Christmas to all!

  3. Oh, such a lovely xmas table! No wonder every one were stuffed. I soo recognize that feeling, we had the same the evening with Mr L’s daughter. Totally stuffed!

    You have a very lovely home – and family and friends 😀

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