Weigh In

This week I decided to use the Weight Watcher web site to track my points. I didn’t realize how good their on-line tracker was. Since I am back and forth on my computer all day, it works out quite well. I go to the tracker page, enter what I eat, the amount I eat and the computer figures out the points used and the points left for the day. It just doesn’t get any easier than that.

The result of my efforts was that I lost 4.6 pounds! Also, I lost 10% of my body weight and received a key-chain! At the meeting many of the other members asked me questions about what I am doing, how I am staying motivated, and if others supported me in my endeavors. I was sort of the star of the show for a little while and I felt special!

I still have a lot more to go, but when I look at how far I have come 19.6 pounds down, I feel very proud of myself.

The program is fairly easy to follow, but I admit that there are times that I am weak and have a tough time. The thing is, I plan to stay with this for life. I want a nice healthy, trim body and I know Weight Watchers is the way to do it!

13 thoughts on “Weigh In”

  1. Hooray! See the internet isn’t so bad after all.

    It should be fully okay to give yourself a “break” here and there. Life-long goals require work but should also include enjoying our most treasured pleasures. Congrats again!

  2. Wow, that’s fantastic! You’re doing so well. I’ve somehow managed to lose about 6 lbs with a LOT of exercise and I’m really hoping it’s going to stay off this time.

  3. Hi Mom
    Congrats again on your weight loss! Great job! It is so nice to have those kinds of weeks!

    Can’t wait for our new size shopping trips!

    Love ya!

  4. You are right the french speaking people have no patience at all to listen to somebody who doesn’t speak fluently ! It was very very hard for me when I came to Belgium without knowing one word of French. Nobody wanted to talk to me not even the boys they wanted to do something else (grin*) Of course there are also exceptions but really very few and I have 50 years of experience ! The Germans for that are very kind and helpful. Mr. Gattino had to learn German in Munich when he worked there, but he didn’t have the bad experiences I had.

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