Hot-Flashes or Power Surges?

hot flashes

Okay, I am almost up-to-here with these hot-flashes! I mean, this is getting to be too much!

When they started, I sort of thought, great, I won’t be freezing cold any more. Then they started coming in the night, and I thought, great, I won’t have to heat my bedroom so much. But now they are coming all the time, and that, my friends, is too much!

I try to dress once in the morning and then I do my hair. Fifteen minutes later, I am on fire and pulling off my clothes, my hair is askew and I look like I have fought a battle and lost.

The worst part is that the hot-flashes have started arriving about one per hour. Then I get so cold after them that I feel chilled.

This creates a tough atmosphere for sleep. Let’s just say I’m not sleeping much. I go from feeling suffocated to being ice cold and shaking. I try to just keep blankets around for a quick cover up, but then I’m on fire, and…..

I know, some of you are laughing. I admit when I had the first few hot-flashes I thought they were funny too, but right now, smack dab in the middle of menopause I’m just not laughing any more!

I remember years ago when I was a kid and I saw an episode on “All In The Family” about Edith going through the “change“, and Archie yelling at her to hurry up and finish “changing“!

Man, I wish it were that easy!

6 thoughts on “Hot-Flashes or Power Surges?”

  1. Unfortunately you MADE me laugh ! I know it must be terrible because my friend when she sat here on the sofa put on and off her clothes all the time ! I never had this I had depressions and that’s worse I think. So better be cold and hot etc.

  2. Hi Mom,

    Just logging on to say hi during a quick work break. Hope you are having a great day, and not being too attacked by the hot flashes today.

    I agree with Krista that the idea of this scares me. I am a heater myself, and find myself randomly sweating more than seems normal!

    Love you lots,

  3. So sorry to hear this…I have been taking soja pills since I was 44 or so, my doctor said it was prophylactic and it seems they are working. You shouldn’t be uncomfortable, I am sure your doctor can help you with this, it truly sounds like too much! good luck!

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