Thursday Thirteen #76

Thursday Thirteen Brought To You By The Letter:


1. Husband. I’ve known him for 26 years. The first few years just as a casual neighbor. Our kids played together. Our love developed after our divorces and we found something that neither one of us expected. Love and friendship all rolled into one. Lucky us!

2. Home. We built our home back in 1999-2000. Over the years our home has become an oasis, a place where we can rest, relax and enjoy ourselves.

3. Homepage. I’ve been blogging since 2005 and I’ve really enjoy having my own homepage!

4. Happy. I strive to maintain a happy home for all who dwell here, and for those who visit. I sure hope I achieve this.

5. Hershey Bars. Deep dark chocolate Hershey Bars! Need I say more?

6. Hadrian’s Wall. We visited Hadrian’s Wall back in 1991 when we visited England and Scotland. It is so interesting, and I would suggest a quick stop at the above link to learn more.

7. Hymns. One thing that I love are the old hymns in church. It’s funny because it’s something that both Hubby and I share. We were in the choir for many years.

8. Hiking. New Hampshire is full of great places to hike.

9. Honey. Mmmmmm! Yum!

10. Horses. I have always loved horses. They are such smart, beautiful creatures.

11. Hounds. With four dogs, I don’t think I need to say much about my love of “the hounds”.

12. Hotdogs. Not on my diet, really, but I sure do love a good grilled hot-dog!

13. Heart. In “The Wizard of Oz”, the Wizard tells The Tin Man this: “A heart is not judged by how much you love; but by how much you are loved by others. “. I sure hope that at the end of my life, I can have lived a life that exemplifies that phrase. You see I believe that when you give your love freely and give of yourself often, the love that comes back is the very best!

9 thoughts on “Thursday Thirteen #76”

  1. Thanks for the link to Hadrian’s Wall , I didn’t know about it !!
    Lovely quote from the Wizard, you have a wonderful heart!!
    Happy Thursday to you 🙂

  2. And then there is Gramma HONEY or just plain HONEY that’s what the grand kids call me now. Love your Thursday 13.

  3. did you manage to visit Vindolanda when you were at Hadrian’s Wall? I had to drag my kids away from there kicking and screaming!

  4. In my Google Reader I read : Thursday Thirteen : 1 husband. so I thought 13 others will follow, but no, it remained one ! lol ! and you were old neighbors, sometimes destiny is just strange.

  5. You are right about the heart… and I’m betting you get BIG returns! You’re heart shines through in your posts – but it also shines through in your eyes! 🙂

  6. Hi Mom! Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow! I will probably leave work at about 3:30 (to try to beat some of the traffic!) Hope to be to you about 5:30 and will give you a call once I have left (if I can get out a bit earlier, I will try!)

    Love you,

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