The Wonder Of It All

It was a beautiful day today. A perfect day for a drive, and since we needed groceries and supplies, I left after breakfast for what turned into a full day of errands.

I bought food, paint, dog food and scrunchies.

(whoever invented the scrunchie to tie back a woman’s hair is a total genius!)

I also bought soaps. We belong to a consumer club where you can buy items in bulk, and so today was stock up day. I also put gas in my car. The tank was nearly empty and when I finished pumping the gas in I had spent $60.00! This is the most I have ever spent on gasoline at one time! I nearly fainted!

When I arrived home I found Hubby and all four dogs in the back yard. They all came running down to help me unload the car and each one greeted me with such love and happiness. Yes, it felt good to come home.

Due to a great sale at the grocery store I brought home two large lobsters for our dinner. I also made boiled new potatoes and fresh corn on the cob! Oh man, that was just great!

Hubby and the dogs have all fallen asleep as I sit here and write. The end of another beautiful day. Full of sunshine and blossoming fruit trees! Yes, spring is in the air and life is good.

6 thoughts on “The Wonder Of It All”

  1. Just reading your post today made me realize that yes, the simple things in life should make one thankful and that is why I read your blog. You have such a soothing calming effect on me and for that I am so very thankful!
    Thanks again and God Bless you!

  2. i love coming here to read about your errands and then coming to hubby and the ‘kids’… 🙂

    what kind of potatoes do you think are the most flavorful? since you have been to germany, you probably know that we have a variety (!) of real delicious potatoes and i have a hard time to find some that have as much flavor…

  3. Hi, I write you from Greece the keyboard is awful, for the first time in my life I can t even read the street names it’s all in greek letters ! I’ll answer when I am back even Google is in greek letters and I can only guess were I have to click !

  4. Scrunchies always fall out of my hair, I don’t have enough of it and it’s slippery! 😉

    It’s wonderful to hear that spring has finally arrived for you!!

  5. Ok, so go ahead, rub it in that you are having a lovely SPRING day… We have a TERRIBLE Autumn day here in Sydney, fogged in with the airport closed and flights diverting to both Brisbane and Melbourne!! 😉
    Seriously, I am glad it is lovely there for you, and it’s amazing that, how a day of errands and the like, can be so pleasant when it’s such a nice day! Have fun!!!

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