It’s A Date!

Today when I got up, (well after Hubby) I looked at him and over my coffee asked, “Want to go to the City?”

He asked what I needed and I mumbled a few things, but mostly I just wanted to go out with him on a date! Since he is still on the lookout for a few more apple trees, he agreed. He also suggested that we stop in at the New Hampshire Historical Society Museum, and of course lunch at our favorite Chinese Buffet.

So we made sure that all the dogs were walked and then we headed south in the station wagon. It was not such a pretty day today, but we chatted as Hubby drove and it was so nice just to get out.

We got grapefruit at Sam’s Club, and picked up a few other items along the way. We stopped for lunch and we really enjoyed the meal.

The museum was interesting. There were portraits of famous New Hampshire people (such as Daniel Webster and Nathaniel Hawthorne) as well as several lovely landscapes, all centering on the White Mountains and the various Notches that take you through them. There was one that was so beautiful that I actually felt like I was walking through the woods there.

Soon we looked at our watches and realized that we needed to get home for the pups. So we said our good-byes to the museum and headed north. Half way home Hubby asked if it was okay if he stopped and bought two apple trees, a MacIntosh and a Honey Crisp. I smiled and said he should go for it.

So we have two more trees added to our ever growing orchard. We now have 13 varieties of apples, 4 varieties of cherries, 3 varieties of pears, 3 varieties of plums, 3 varieties of peaches and two varieties of grapes. All in all about 36 fruit trees! Yeah, it’s really beautiful in our yard right now!

9 thoughts on “It’s A Date!”

  1. Wow! Sounds lovely. And yummy too!

    We have 4 apple trees that never produce good apples (I think they need serious pruning) and a grapevine that my dad accidentally cut one of the stalks to. Yeah, we so don’t deserve fruit trees!

  2. Love the pictures–beautiful as always…. What kind of camera do you have again? It is an 18X zoom, right?

    Have a great day! I’m so happy it’s Friday!

    Love you lots,


  3. That’s a lot of apples! Just curious — do your lovely doggies eat apples too? Our dog in my parent’s house loves fruits!

  4. That’s what I call quality time and its so good to read (both on and between the line) how well you are going together and enjoy the spring time and gardening.

    Wishing you a lovely end to your week and welcome over, when you have the time, to celebrate a special Norwegian day with us!

  5. You know I am also a romantic and love these kinds of dates. Who says you have to get flowers from the flower shop, isn’t it lovely to share them in your own garden as well?? You must have a bit of land to have so many lovely trees!! Enjoy the spring flowers, and your dates….

  6. I love those kind of dates too! We makes them quite often. Quality time indeed!

    WOW x millions, what a wonderful garden with all the blooming! You must have a spring heaven over there now! Gorgeous. Stunningly beautiful. Ah, there is no words for it…

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