There Is A Disturbance In The Force…..

Last night I noticed that Arnie wasn’t his usual self. He was picking at his food and seemed quite distracted. I’d been out all day with my daughter, and Hubby informed me that Arnie’s little harlot of a sister, Anneliese, had been dancing around. As she nears the “peak” of her heat she has become more wanton than ever. Oh yes, once I stopped to watch Anneliese I could see her doing her little flirty girl dance, in an effort to torment her brother.

So, it was no surprise when bedtime came and Arnie had to once again return to his crate for the night. Alone. Frustrated. Yes, tormented by a force of nature that not even he understands.

Meanwhile, we went to bed with the girls. Greta curled up by my stomach and Anneliese by my knees, and Hubby was soon snoring happily on his side of the bed. All was right in the Dackel Princess house.

About 2 AM. I woke in a sweat. I felt like the room was suddenly being overheated by an unseen furnace. I tore off the sheets and got up to get something to drink. Returning to bed, I found Greta and Anneliese had taken my side of the bed, and shoving them aside, I climbed back in.

Oh yeah, a hot-flash!

At 5 AM Anneliese and Fritz woke me to go outside. Little Miss Pants has found that being in heat makes her have to go out and visit the great out of doors just a little bit more often. So off we went. Once we returned I diapered her, and the three of us returned to bed.

My head was just hitting the pillow when Anneliese started to gag and I jumped up and got her into the bathroom just as she threw up.

Could the night get any better?

Once I’d washed her up we returned to bed and fell asleep, but another hot-flash came upon me and I lay there thinking perhaps this was some sort of cruel joke. I did eventually drop off again, but at 7:30 Hubby woke full of joy and happiness after a good night sleep. I begged him “Please take the dogs and let me sleep just another 30 minutes!” And he did.

Actually he let me sleep another hour which was even better!

But as I went through my day today I thought how terribly funny this is. Here Anneliese is in heat and full of hormones, Arnie too, but of a slightly different make up, and here I am on the other end of the scale suffering from a decided lack of hormones!

Yes, there is a disturbance in the force!

7 thoughts on “There Is A Disturbance In The Force…..”

  1. I howled when reading this-you have a flair for comedy!! Plus, I am able to identify with your symptoms-hope yours do not linger as long as mine have-12 years and counting. More later.

  2. Oh, what a night! *singing*

    Sounds like your house were under a attack of hormones storms 🙂

    Sometimes one wonder why everything seem to happens at the same time…?

  3. OY! Ya know… they say when females LIVE together that their hormonal “aura” shifts and they share their special time of the month… maybe their feast and your famine are co-mingling! Well you know… it’s just a theory! LOL! I hope you get more rest tonight!

  4. What a night – your certainly have your hands full – hope the coming one will be better .. you deserve some sleep too!

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