Thursday Thirteen #79

Thirteen Things I Did Today

1. Went to Weight Watchers and I lost another 2.4 pounds!!!

2. Came back home, stopping at the Post Office to get our mail, and found I’d gotten a box from with a new book, and a recipe book!

3. Picked up Hubby and we went out to lunch at the Chinese Buffet.

4. Stopped to get dog food and gasoline. The gasoline was depressing, but we are still paying under $4.00. At least this week.

5. Did our grocery shopping.

6. This was actually a big week for that because we wanted to do a double shopping so we don’t have to go next week.

7. That’s because it is Bike Week in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire and they expect the area to be flooded with motorcycles!

8. Came home and spent about an hour unloading and putting all the groceries away.

9. Talked to my daughter. That was the highlight of my day.

10. Made baked scallops for dinner.

11. Cleaned that up quickly.

12. Went to a community movie that I was supposed to “help” with.

13. No one else showed up on the committee, so guess who did all the work?

Time for bed!

7 thoughts on “Thursday Thirteen #79”

  1. Oh, congrats! I got your txt earlier but was in the middle of stuff. You’re doing so well, I’m so proud of you!

    What was the movie?

  2. GOOOOOOD YOU on the weight loss! How do you DO that and still eat at the Chinese Buffet? Baked scallops sounds really good! I LOVE scallops! Ahhh committee work… gotta love it!

  3.…I think those 2.4 pounds came my way! Seriously, that is very inspiring…I think I may consider Weight Watchers for myself too. Each year, I keep gaining…and gaining…and my pants scream “tightness” !!

    How do you bake your scallops? Do you use any seasonings? I have never made them before, but may try.

    Happy T13 :x)

  4. Hi, again…
    I tried to leave a comment the other day but it wouldn’t let me. So I’m trying again!

    Great list, lost weight and went to a Chinese buffet? Sounds like a good day!

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