
Today we had the party for my parent’s anniversary. Sixty years! Wow! It’s amazing to think that they have been married that long. Of course they have actually been together longer, as they met when they were 14 and 15 years old.

Growing up as their child, there were times I thought that they would not survive the marriage, but the basic love was there. Today I saw something rather beautiful, and totally unexpected.

My mother was like a giddy bride on her wedding day. My Dad, who is terribly ill, did something I did not think possible. Today, he worked hard to stay awake, not complain about any of his problems and to make this day happy for her. He chatted with everyone, he held her hand. He kissed her for the camera and when the time came for them to cut a replica of their wedding cake, which had been lovingly made by my sister, he insisted on getting up and walking over to cut the cake with my mother.


He made this HER day, just as he had sixty years ago.

I looked at this man, who is my father and in that moment much of my youthful anger vanished. Here is a man struggling at the end of his life, who loves my mother so much that he made this day special for her.

I am thankful that I had the chance to see this.

The Family_1_1

9 thoughts on “Par-tay!!!”

  1. That is very sweet, MB! Sounds like even after 60 years that your mom is the most important person and thing in your dad’s life!

  2. That is sooooooooo sweet! 60 years is amazing! Some people don’t even get to LIVE that long – and yet, they got to live TOGETHER that long! WOW! I’m glad it went so well – and especially glad you got to see that side of your parents!

  3. Oh how wonderful, Maribeth. I looked at all the photos on Flickr and I can only say that you and your sister made this a very special day for your parents 🙂

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