A Few Thoughts

I sat down to write a new post earlier and I found myself unable to think straight. The rain and the thunder storms of the last few days seem to have zapped my creativity, and left me with a migraine. However, I am committed to writing and keeping a journal of my day to day life, so I bucked myself up and sat down to write.

I think the best part of my day is always the dogs. They never cease to amaze and amuse me. Today it was Fritz who was barking at the door during a torrential downpour. I opened the door and he took one look at all that rain and turned around and went back inside! Well, it made ME laugh!

Also Arnie has started doing the cutest thing. He now follows me all around the house like a little shadow. He is his Mommy’s boy and I just love it.

You see, I have never been a “boy dog” fan. I have always preferred female dogs, but this boy has stolen my heart. I woke in the night last night and got up and when I returned Arnie was waiting for me. I climbed in and Arnie climbed over to me and wrapped his body around my legs. In that moment I felt very loved.

Isn’t that what it’s all about?

4 thoughts on “A Few Thoughts”

  1. Ah, yes! I love all our special four legged friends. How dear they are, so cute and entertaining too. Hope your headache is better. Love YOU, Mel

  2. I’m never one to say I told you so 🙂

    Poor Max has had a rough time of it with all the thunderstorms…I don’t think he’s been getting enough sleep!

    Hope you feel better!

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