The Big Boat

Monday we took a ride on the Mount Washington Cruise Ship. It takes you around Lake Winnipesaukee for a leisurely cruise. We sat on the upper deck, with the wind gently blowing on us to cool us off. We enjoyed a wonderful Lobster salad, and tall Starbuck’s coffees.

July 28 028

A sign for the cruise ship.

July 28 018

Waiting to board the ship.

July 28 020

Gail and I with the Lake all around us.

July 28 026

The home of the Mount Washington Cruise Ship.

I love going on this cruise. It is so relaxing and whenever we have guests we drive over and hop on board. I never tire of it and hope that I will always be able to share this with my friends and family when they come to visit.

6 thoughts on “The Big Boat”

  1. I would love that too ! I love cruises even small once. In summer school I met a women who had been with a cruise to the Northpole. She said she had never seen such beautiful landscapes (she had travelled a lot around the world) Now she has put this idea in my head, lol !

  2. Hi Mom,
    Glad you and Gail enjoyed your day yesterday, and hope you have lots of fun today too! You really are looking very trim in those pictures! Wow! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Lots of love,

  3. You are sO darned cute! Honestly! Looks like you and Gail had a grand time! Were the hubbies there too? I guess … someone took the pictures! LOL!

    We have a couple of boats like that near us too. I actually took Luz on one last Thursday just for the fun of it – she loved it! (the captain even let her drive for about 5 minutes!) It was a smaller boat though. We have BIG boats too in Annapolis. And then we have a little boat down in Solomon’s that goes out several times a day too — that one is DIRT cheap! Like $3! It stays out for about an hour or so. I love it! Any time spent on the water is time well spent!

  4. What a lovely place and I do agree with you: nothing is more relaxing than going with a boat like that – so nice and close to the nature elements.

    I hope one day we can visit and that you will take us to that place too ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. I know just what you mean. I used to live by Lake George, NY and there were great old cruise ships there that we enjoyed again and again. In Sweden there is a canal cruise with an old River boat which we took on our honeymoon and it has its memories. Your trip looks like fun, and you look great too!!!

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