Rain, Rain, Go Away!

I went to Weight Watchers on Wednesday and although I felt lighter, the scale didn’t show even an ounce worth of loss! I stayed exactly the same. Ugh! I was moderately upset. I sat down and started to talk to “my girls” and then the meeting started.

I know I have mentioned this before, but I get so much out of the meetings. They just fill me up with positive feelings and get me ready to start another week and handle the trials and tribulations of life.

By the time the meeting ended I was ready for anything….well almost!

As we walked out to our cars we were greeted with a torrential downpour! I had my rain jacket on, but my legs got slightly wet. I just hate that!

I had, however, heard about an end of the season sale on swim suits. Since I love to shop, and need a new suit, I wasn’t going to let a little waterfall of rain stop me.

Now I know that almost all women can relate to this. When was the last time you actually went out and bought a swim suit without pain?

I tried on 6 different suits and have to tell you, if I hadn’t already lost all this weight, I would be convinced I was terribly obese! These ill fitting suits showed me why they were still on the racks, and marked down to almost nothing.

Needless to say, I left empty handed.

I drove back home, stopping to get our mail and that’s when the heaviest shower hit and I got literally soaked! Once I got in, I changed into long jeans and a chamois shirt just to warm up.

The afternoon was spent making blueberry jam and inventorying our canning supplies. Soon the peaches and plums will be ripe and ready for canning and jam making.

Now if the rain would just go away, I would be a very happy girl.

8 thoughts on “Rain, Rain, Go Away!”

  1. You just send the rain this way, and my garden will be very happy šŸ™‚
    Sales are for the underweight around here šŸ™‚

  2. Hi Mom,

    I stayed the same this week too–but as I had mentioned to you–my focus has moved more towards maintaining than continuing to lose at this point…. I may decide in the future to try to lose another 5 or 10, but in my new size 6, I have felt pretty happy about where I am at! We really both have done an incredible job to get ourselves to where we are–and have made such healthy strides in our lives! So glad we did it together!

    Love you lots,

    Mandy šŸ™‚

  3. Sometimes not losing weight just means you toned something up! Gained a little muscle! That’s okay too! I LOVE that response from your Mandy up there! *points up* BRAVO to BOTH of you!!!

  4. We had that rain too! It just poured! At least I didn’t have to water anything. Spent the day doing art projects with the Grandkids. FUN! Love YOU, Mel

  5. I agree with Melli that maybe you gained muscle. It weighs more than fat…not that you have much on you these days.

    If you could, I’d love to have some of that rain. Just reading about it was wonderful. We may get a little this afternoon or tonight, but the chances are 20%, so not much.

  6. Remember, it is always best to lose (or stay the same) than to put it back on… And on that note, congratulations for that! You also came out of the meeting feeling positive, that is until you tried on a possible new swimsuit!!! Louise has also been looking since we got our spa, and tried on a lovely one, but it was a size to big for her šŸ™ Nevermind though, we might be going back for it depending on what the blood test shows!

    Oh, sorry you got so wet with the rain, and by chance, it was also pouring here in Sydney as well yesterday!!!

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