
Wednesday was sort of a strange day. It started with me going to Weight Watchers, where I stayed the same. That in itself didn’t freak me out too much, but perhaps the fact that when I headed out to class it was all of 55 degrees (F) did. The air was dry and clear and the sun was shining, but what is up with the fact that it is August and the temperature was 55 degrees?


Then on my way home I stopped at the Vet’s office to ask about Anneliese’s false pregnancy and how it had now escalated to the point where I can’t get her to come out of the crate! She has Mr. Bunny in there and has barricaded the door. We’ve decided to allow her to have the bunny for the rest of Wednesday and then in the morning we will de-bunny her. I am sure that this will cause Anneliese great stress, but the fact that she is going through this whole false pregnancy thing is truly a very unusual event. Of course since her mother has had them too, perhaps it is an inherited thing.


We canned 13 jars of brandied peaches today, and even though the outside of the peaches skin was mottled by the hail damage, we found that many of the peaches were, in fact beautiful underneath! The peaches also taste delicious, so after a month or so in their juice and brandy mix, they will be absolutely yummy! Still I think of how much more damage there could have been….


The day ended with a wonderful meal at the Chinese Buffet courtesy of Emily and her Dad. The food was great, the company super, but….there was a family with three small kids and these children ran around the restaurant singing a horrible tune at the top of their lungs, while their parents just sat there ignoring them. It reminded me of something my former mother in-law told me way back years ago when my kids were small. She told me that she never minded taking my kids out because my girls knew how to behave in a public place. I was so happy to get this compliment because it meant I was doing my job as a parent! I thought to myself tonight how those two parents were really letting their kids down. And that to me was just……


10 thoughts on “Strange!”

  1. You know what, it is also STRANGE that here in Sydney today, we are having a lovely day of 20 (C)! And, it’s still winter!!! However, tomorrow, it is only going to be 14… Strange!

    Also, with it still being a spring theme, all of the Tulips are out in the Gardens, blossoms are bursting almost ready… Strange!

    So it seems to be ‘strange’ everywhere at the moment!!

  2. I’d love some strange August weather πŸ™‚
    Noisy kids don’t belong in restaurants, people (we) pay for a nice, relaxed meal! Even more annoying are those parents ignoring the whole issue!

  3. I finished one little crocheted sweater and I am right into a Scarf for the Special Olympics, and reading a book and ….. a bit strange for me.

  4. Hope you have a good day today! Crazy busy at work, so not much time to write, but wanted to let you know things went well with Gram’s eye surgery yesterday!

    Love you,


  5. You’d love my kids at a restaurant. They are absolute angels! πŸ™‚ And it irks me too when other people don’t corral their kids in better.

    Sounds like some strange times over there!

  6. Yes… children who are allowed to run wild – whether in a restaurant or a store or ANY public place – other than a play park – are being done a great disservice by their parents. NO ONE wants to be around them! And chances are, no one wants to be around the parents either!

    So how is Anneliese making out this morning? That poor little thing… This is just soooo sad!

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