Just One Of Those Days

I got up today and started things off by burning my finger on the coffee maker. Don’t even ask me how I did this, as I am too embarrassed to tell. Let’s just say it isn’t a pretty sight and hurts like heck.

After that there was a series of unfortunate incidents that found me wanting to rush back to bed and hide there for the rest of the day!

Hubby joked with me about it all until he realized I was really feeling down. Then he asked me if I wanted to go out to lunch at the Chinese buffet before we did our weekly shopping.

He didn’t have to ask me twice.

I love eating at the buffet because I can always find a good selection of things to eat and stay within my points. Today they served Alaskan King Crab Legs, and so I was in heaven!

As we sat at the very end of the meal with our fortune cookies, I opened mine and this was what I read: “Very soon you will reach your goal”.

I smiled because I have just 7 pounds more to go on Weight Watchers and then I will reach my goal!

We shopped, fueled up the car, and then headed home.

The remainder of the day has been nice and a lot less stressful. I managed to cook dinner without burning myself again, and Hubby installed a great new light switch in our room that has a dimmer switch.

Five days until we leave for the Dog Show!

8 thoughts on “Just One Of Those Days”

  1. Ouch! those ugly burns hurt so much.
    Hope it’s better now.
    Congrats again on being so close to your goal, you are truly amazing, it takes a lot of willpower and determination!

  2. I haven’t burned my finger, but I feel like it is one of those days for me…. maybe I should just go back to bed! My camera is still not working! I really miss it!

  3. Yowwie!

    I burned my finger on our steamer when I was doing vegies. Sooo painful!

    And RIGHT ON!!!!! for being just 7lbs away from your goal!! That’s SOOOOOOOO awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ˜€

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