Break Out The Suitcases!

Today was make a list, check it twice and start to lay out the clothes I will be packing for Hubby and me, day.

I’ve started to realize that I have planned to take far too many outfits and I really need to cut down on the number of items in my pile, but I have so many “cute” outfits and I don’t want to wait until next summer to wear them.


Today I did something I didn’t think possible. I’ve ordered a bikini! I will either look totally wonderful in it, or I will be arrested for indecent exposure!

Meanwhile, the organizing and packing continues.

12 thoughts on “Break Out The Suitcases!”

  1. Good luck with the packing… I always found that, IF I was to pack like you are, in advance, I would always seem to forget something. Now when I went to Nth Wales in 2005, I started to pack about 2 hours before I had to be at the airport to check-in!

  2. Good luck with the packing. I know Bernie already said that, but…
    Good for you on the bikini!! Get a sun tan on your tummy 🙂

  3. “I will either look totally wonderful in it, or I will be arrested for indecent exposure!” – the two are not mutually exclusive you know! I have not worn a bikini since I was about 10 and I never will again (two children and one bout of pre-eclampsia have given me stretch marks that would make your eyes water) but I am of course looking forward to the many photos of you in yours!

  4. Oh my GOSH a bikini! WOW! You goooooo girl! I bet you do look WONDERFUL in it! And you’ve worked so hard for the right to have it! I will NEVER achieve THAT right – even if I lost 200 pounds!

  5. Itsy, Bitsy, Tiny, winy, yellow polka dot Bikini…..
    Hubby will love it! You’ll look great. Love YOU, Mel

  6. How long is it until you leave? *LOL* My husband is like you and makes lists and checks them often…I, well, I put stuff together a day before and gather them into the suitcase as I finish dressing for the day’s trip.

    Did you get overnight shipping on the bikini? I hope so.

  7. You just wear that bikini and be proud! You will not look like a supermodel, but you will enjoy it. How long has it been since you had the sun on your tummy???

  8. Hehehe ! I just washed everything and now I will decide what to take along. I don’t need a lot in Egypt (it’s not like going on a cruise) I just need some “dressed up” things for the evening. Otherwise it’s the bathing suit anyway. Still 8 days to go !

  9. Ah, that sounds so lovely, something like a cruise to look forward too! I so recognize that packing thoughts… *giggles*

    I’m sure you’ll look stunning in that bikini!

  10. Hi Marrybeth and Jack
    The pups and I wanted to say HELLO we hope n you are having fun. Everything is fine here. Gretta is crabbier by the moment but nothing a few belly rubs, cookies and TLC wont take care of. Arnie is doing well. I have been locking him in my bedroom during the day witch seems to be working. He is very interested in his mom in fact his belly was sticky I had to wash it!!! Gretta does not grumble anymore when I change her pants in fact she gazes to say thank you, and do you have any idea what this is like? I rub her tummy and tell her yes that what we woman go through. Fritz has even been a little grumbly and marking every were outside just like Arnie. Arnie is eating. Annalisa is a little confused but doing fine. A package came not sure from where. Pups are enjoying me being here with them as I am enjoying them too. hope you are having a good time all is well here in PMS land ( funnny , funny Will type again soon Next time I will ask the kids if they have any comments…

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