Guess What?

Yesterday I was so busy driving all over the state of New Hampshire, I arrived home, made supper and sat down to write the blog. We watched a little TV, and then I started to get ready for bed. I turned down the bed and got undressed and into my pajamas, and then came back into the family room. That’s when I saw it! On the doggy blanket on my chair I saw the telltale signs that…

Greta is in heat!!!

Oct 5 002

Oh Greta! I knew she was going to do something like this. Why she just couldn’t have gone into heat a month ago when she was technically due, is beyond me. Actually, I’ll tell you why.

Greta loves to have her own way, and she enjoys making me crazy!

So, what does this mean? Well, it means poor Dori, my friend and house sitter, will be changing Greta’s little panties during the time we are away.

It also means that Arnie must be kept away from  his mother during this time. Poor boy is so confused! Suddenly he is seeing Greta in a whole new light. If you know what I mean.

I’m also pretty sure that Greta will miss being bred this time around, as her boyfriend is going on vacation.

Ah, Greta! My super stubborn little dackel! I may want her to have more puppies, but somehow I know that the decision will ultimately be hers, and hers alone!

7 thoughts on “Guess What?”

  1. LOL! I know Greta Planned this whole thing! Try not to worry about it too much. All will be well! Love YOU, Mel

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