The Day After…What A Turkey!

While we were on our cruise we had a cabin steward named, Dennis. Each day Dennis came and cleaned our cabin, made the bed, tidied up, and emptied our trash. In the evenings he came and turned the beds down and put chocolate on our pillows.

All I can say after 5 days back in the real world is: I should have left my laundry on the ship and packed Dennis in my suitcase and brought him home!

Today I started the long process of going through our stuff and getting things back in order.

Now I wasn’t really into doing that, in fact the first hour or so of the morning I sat drinking coffee, watching the snow fall,

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and viewing “What Not To Wear” on TLC-TV. Then guilt began to plague me and I got dressed and actually started to put things away.

Do you know how many catalogs came in the mail at the end of November? I had 15 catalogs that came while we were gone, plus all of the magazines that we subscribe to.

After a while I decided that I wanted to make soup with the turkey broth that I’d made yesterday. I thought long and hard about making a healthy soup, so this eventually led me to go out to the grocery store to pick up some fresh carrots and escarole.

While I was out running errands it continued to snow. When I got home, I enjoyed the first of the season snowfall which had collected on our patio table.

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The soup began simmering on the stove when my cell phone rang. It was my cousin telling me that my Uncle is not well and will be in the hospital longer then we had first thought. I am so worried about him!

Then the phone rang again and it was Hubby telling me that his skiing partner had fallen and injured his shoulder. (He did, in fact, break his upper arm!)

By the end of the day the temperatures had dipped and black ice is on our driveway. No worries. We have no where to go, and are safe and snug for the night.

Tonight I plan to do nothing more than veg out watching the TV and perhaps read some more of my book.

And if Hubby is very lucky I may turn down the bed and put chocolate on his pillow!

9 thoughts on “The Day After…What A Turkey!”

  1. I envy you snow right now. In Oslo, Norway we had a small taste a month ago, but its all gone and today it’s raining 🙁

    I know you had a great time on your cruise (thanks for your reports) and what nice habits of ideas you want to bring home! As you may know Diane and I was on a cruise to Germany last weekend and got the same.

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend 🙂

  2. I have to ask what escarole is – we probably call it something else over here! Hope you have a nice snuggly day with your soup

  3. Ah Yes, I loved having my bed made and room cleaned every day! All the family is back from their trips now and we eat our turkey today! Love YOU, Mel

  4. Ohhhhh… I hope you DID!!!

    Snow is wonderful when you can just sit inside and watch the world turn beautiful. But then at some point you always have to go out IN it… and that’s the part I hate!

    You put escarole in your soup? I never thought of that! Boy that adds a ton of nutrient, huh?

  5. I am looking forward to skiing (in 3 weeks!!) but please no injuries…
    Sorry about your friend and I have Janet’s dad in my thoughts…
    Oh, wouldn’t it be a treat to have a Dennis in our lives for a couple of weeks a year ?
    Enjoy your weekend 🙂

  6. What you experienced on your cruise is why I’m so reticent to do something so luxurious because I would get sooooo used to it and I’m sure coming back home to reality would really suck. LOL.

    Strange as it is to say, I really miss the snow and the blistering cold weather. I miss getting all rugged up in beautiful winter coats and hats and boots. I really must make an effort next year to get down to the Snowy Mountains for a week with the girls!

  7. Wow, I can’t believe it’s snowing… but then again, it’s almost December! What do I expect 😉

    Sorry to hear about your uncle and hubby’s skiing friend. Hope they’re both ok.

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