Ho, Ho, Ho!!!

Ever have one of those computer moments when something clicks (like insanity) and it solves all your problems, plus the problems of another person that you know? I am feeling like a total genius right now after discovering the correct box to check thus fixing my email problem and Hubby’s.

The day has been full of more Christmas preparation. Letters, cards and a lot of envelope licking!

About 3 PM Hubby drove me to the Post Office where I mailed EVERYTHING! Done, mailed, Yippee!!! We left, stopping at a few shops, before returning home. I started to go through the mail and I found a slip announcing that we had a package!

Ho, ho, ho!!!

So Arnie and I went back to the Post Office and picked it up. I knew what it was because I’d ordered this for Hubby some time ago.

So I came home and he asked what was in the box. Hmmm. Do I make him wait, or let him see?

Well, since we never keep secrets, I handed him the box and he opened it. Here is what he found.

Canon PowerShot SD770IS 10MP Digital Camera.


This now replaces the camera that broke when he took my picture. He was really happy with the gift. Meanwhile I have ordered the gift I would like for Christmas and it should be here before the holiday. What did I order?

Mamma Mia! The Movie (Two Disc Special Edition)


We’ll probably do a few other little things, but at this point we really don’t need much. Although Hubby has commented that he would love a new pair of ski boots.

I wonder if that is a hint? You think?

11 thoughts on “Ho, Ho, Ho!!!”

  1. You’re sounding much more organized than me, and Hannukah will be here before I know it, especially since we received our very first card of the year today, all the way from a certain someone in New England ;-). LOVED the card, it’s going to crack the kids up.

  2. It is not quite the same as my new back up camera, but I love my little one as well as the bigger one.
    You should have put the doggies to work licking envelops. Ha, Ha! Love YOU, Mel

  3. Hi Mom,
    Have a great day today, and congrats on getting your cards out. I am not nearly as organized!

    Love you lots,

  4. I’m so jealous! My tree is up…no decorations, just a tree. My cards are still in the attic, as are all of my decorations…I am very late this year, but the end of the semester is very busy for some reason.

  5. I can NOT believe you gave him that BEFORE Christmas! No no no…. WE have a STRICT rule in my family! You are not allowed to buy ANYTHING for yourself the entire month of December! And nobody gets any gifts (aside from birthday) UNTIL the 25th!!! We are hard-nosed about that! LOL! And yea… since you already GAVE him the camera — now you GOTTA get him the boots! Of course you do!

  6. I asked for that movie, too!! Hope someone gets it for me. I made my wish list of stuff at Amazon for the family this year. I think it will make things easier for them.

  7. That camera is similar to my work one… They are great little cameras, but MY camera is a 400D (Rebel I think it is called in the US), and I love it!

    Due to everything going on with L and IVF, I am doing my POST OUT this week, more than likely tomorrow, so hopefully things will arrive in time for Christmas!

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