I Did It!!!

Wednesday morning I went into Weight Watchers and weighed in. I had this feeling in my heart that this was going to be the big day, and it was! I reached my goal weight and actually lost a bonus pound! I jumped up and down, I cried and I cheered and I felt like I had won American Idol!!!

A year ago I started this program. I planned it and on New Years Eve announced to Hubby I was starting to go to class the first meeting after the holiday. I started it, and I have only missed one meeting in the entire year and that was when we were on the cruise.

Officially I have lost 49 pounds on Weight Watchers. That’s a whole little person!

Nov 17 08 one year later

So what am I doing to celebrate? Spending some quality time with my sister and my grandnephews! Also just plain enjoying the fact that I can go shopping and fit into clothes easily. What a great thing.

13 thoughts on “I Did It!!!”

  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I knew you were gonna do it! That is SO terrific! I’m sO proud of you! You are a very STRONG person! Whooooo hoooo!

  2. I’ve seen it and it’s true, you look Great and I know you feel great! You are great! I’m so, so proud of you!! Love YOU, Mel

  3. Do I read right ?? 49 lbs, that would be 22 kgs ? Can’t believe it ! Where did you put all these kgs, I had never noticed that you were so “round”, lol ! Congratulations, that’s really something you can be very proud of ! Most of women give up after a while !

  4. I have known before you will reach your goal this year. You are such strong person. All the other diets you tried before made you feel unhappy because after such diet it was like the jo-jo-effect. WW is (in my opinion) the best way to lose weight and keep the goal weight on. And the best… you can eat what you want!
    All I can say: CONGRATULATION! I really am proud of you at all.
    Love Uschi

  5. I’m so proud of you, and I want to thank you, too, for motivating me to begin my own weight loss journey! 17 down, quiet a few to go!

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