A Year Ago…

I was sitting in my chair with the pups vying for a spot, thinking about my unhappiness with my weight. I’d put on weight during our cruise through the Panama Canal. I came home and then began making preparations for a wonderful Christmas Season! I baked and baked and put gift boxes and trays together of all the different cookies I’d made. But, I’m afraid I also ate a lot of the cookies too. There was also the Peppermint Bark candy, but we won’t go into that. Suffice to say, Christmas 2007 was full of excesses!

Yes, I was unhappy with my tight jeans, and the fact that both my foot and knee doctors suggested losing weight to alleviate the pain I was in. I was too heavy. They knew it and so did I!

So, I made a New Years Resolution. I think every other resolution I made I had somehow broken by February, but this one, the one I was about to make had many provisions.

1. I decided to go to Weight Watchers to lose some weight.

2. I would go each week and stay for the meeting.

3. I would not miss a meeting unless I was in Intensive Care at the hospital.

4. Even if I had bad weeks, I would not let that stop me.

So I went to the first meeting after New Years. I remember that first night, going and weighing in with Tami. I cried. Tami has been a friendly face each week when I step on the dreaded scale!

So what have I learned this last year?

1. That the meetings are incredibly important. Not just for the accountability of weighing in, but for sharing your feelings and listening to others who are also on this road of self discovery.

2. I’ve learned to be honest and true to myself. There were so many times I could have missed a meeting, or eaten something really horrible for me, but I knew where I was going and how to get there.

3. I have learned that I am not the only one who loves to cook, and loves to eat what they cook!

4. I have learned new ways to cook healthy meals for Hubby and me.

How did I learn all of this? Because I went to class.

New Years Resolutions can be empty promises that you never live up to, or they can be really helpful ways to boost your own morale so that you can get going and accomplish a really tough thing.

I know I will be involved with Weight Watcher classes for the rest of my life. I need the classes to help me remember who I am.

I’m a great cook who loves to eat, and unfortunately at the age of 50, has the metabolism of a turtle. If I stay true to myself, then there isn’t anything that I can’t accomplish!

Oh and remember Tami? Well, she weighed me in when I reached my goal weight too, and she was the first person I hugged!

Good-bye 2008, Thanks!

Welcome 2009!

8 thoughts on “A Year Ago…”

  1. Yes you DO look wonderful indeed…

    12 minutes to go here now, and I have made one NY resolution… To take a leaf out of YOUR book, and lose some weight! Ok, I have made more than ONE, but this is my most important one!!!

    Have a great NYE in your neck of the woods, we had the family over for a dinner out on the lawn, a spa and a couple of drinks!

    10 to go now, woo hoo!!

  2. You have done a GREAT job! I am so proud of you and I know you will keep it up and keep going. As always I love YOU! Happy New Year! Mel

  3. Hang in there….the metabolism thing keeps dropping. 😉
    I’m going to sign up for the whole thing at WW this year…meaning the meetings and the internet too.

    Hope you have a wonderful new year and I’m so glad to have met you.

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