
I’ve got one of those 24 hour stomach bugs that makes you just feel plain old  blah! I’ve tried to work through it by ignoring it and just doing my usual work, but this darn germ is winning out.

At about 2 o’clock I took my temperature. It was 99.6 (F). Now usually my temperature is 97.5 so this little temperature of 99.6 is a big deal for me.

So I sat down.

I started having chills and then hot flashes. I’ve decided that being menopausal with a fever is a real pain in the neck. I mean, here you are already burning up with a fever, and your cute little menopausal body decides you aren’t hot enough and gives you a “royal flash”!

I’m not feeling too hungry either, but since I like Hubby I made him a nice meal of goulash and mashed potatoes. I think I will probably do something totally exciting, like make myself some cream of wheat and tea.

Hopefully by the morning I will be back on my feet and ready to go to Weight Watchers.

I really dislike feeling this way. Blah is no fun!

11 thoughts on “Blah…….”

  1. Heat waves with fiever ? that’s new to me. Don’t you have a little cold ? I had never heat waves so I don’t know how it feels, I only saw my friends suffering from it !

  2. That sounds miserable. I’m amazed you managed to cook your husband dinner when you’re feeling so rotten, mine would have had to fend for himself (which luckily he does well enough to feed us both).

  3. Feel better soon, Mom! I have sort of been feeling like I’m coming down with something too, but it hasn’t really taken hold. I just keep telling myself, “I won’t get sick!”

    Hope today is better for you.

    Love you lots,


  4. Take care Maribeth. That thing I had at New Year was more than 24 hrs and it was dreadful. I hope you don’t have that. Hang in there

  5. Menu choice was great for you. Do as many fluids as possible without vomiting. Feel better soon. Bad day for us-4 years today. More Later. Carol

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