Now The Fun Begins

I spent most of the day doing laundry, making appointments and confirming reservations for my trip to Berlin with Anneliese. I’ll be leaving on the 14th and getting back 2 weeks later.

The best part for me will be the time I get to spend with my friend, Uschi. It’s been nearly 5 years since we have seen each other and that is just too long!

I will be posting each day, so I can bring you all with me. I’m taking the new little camera that I bought Hubby for Christmas, and so far have found that I use it far more than he has. I just love my (his) little mini Cannon camera!

Besides making my travel plans today I was scheduled for a dental visit. I needed to have an old filling replaced. There were three things that depressed me about this. First, I hate going to the dentist. I get such anxiety attacks! And second, my mouth hurts like heck tonight after having the old filling drilled out and the new one put in. And lastly, I’m depressed because I am old enough to have a filling that actually needs to be replaced because it is old!

I came home and was all set to make dinner, but my rotisserie oven has bitten the dust! Shoot! I love that thing!

Then the ultimate, I couldn’t eat dinner because my mouth hurt!

Now I’ll spend the next few days finishing up the preparations for the journey. Anneliese goes in for her physical on Thursday and will be all cleared to go, I am sure.

Break out the suit cases!

6 thoughts on “Now The Fun Begins”

  1. But I think the new filling is a lighter material so you will be ahead of the game. Of course you could pull a hubby and get that much lighter! 🙂

  2. Maribeth… I was trying to scrounge up some sympathy for your dental dilemma… and I do HATE going to, so I found some for that… And I SUPER hate drilling… so you get my sincerest sympathy for that! But then you got to the part about being old enough to need a filling replaced… which reminded me that I was old enough to have had to have all MY fillings PULLED! Hmmmm… there went your sympathy… LOL! I do like Ted’s take on this though — it would appear you probably lost weight getting that new filling! Now that I think of it… I guess I lost weight when they pulled all mine! 😉

    I’m SO excited to go to Germany with you!

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