A Four Dog Day

It was cold, windy, yet the sun was shining brightly and it was a pretty day. The first half of the day found Anneliese and I out running errands.

I had to pick up Fritz’s rabies certificate (I lost the original), then go and register all four dogs with the town. I brought Anneliese in to meet the ladies at the Town Offices and they just fell in love with her.

I’m telling you, since she traveled all the way over to Germany and back, Anneliese has become a real charmer!

Hubby arrived home from skiing and I made lunch for us and then after, Hubby took the four dogs outside to play while he pruned trees. They all had a fun time

March 23 007

I watched from the door for a while and then went outside with my camera and snapped these pictures.

March 23 002

You can see they are all looking for their balls.

March 23 004

Anneliese was digging deeply.

March 23 005

But she picked up her head when I called.

My favorite one is this one of Fritz.

March 23a 008

Arnie had fun too.

March 23 001

The temperatures are dropping again tonight and so we have a fire in the hearth warming the family room.

And the four dogs? Well, they are all stretched out asleep around the room, exhausted!

It was a good day!

7 thoughts on “A Four Dog Day”

  1. It’s been cold here too. Yesterday the wind was strong and made it feel even colder. Love YOU, Mel

  2. Hi Mom,

    Just thought I would send over a quick hello. I’m on Day 2 of my new job, and everything is going well so far…. A bit of a commute into the city, but not close to my NH to Lexington commute that I did for so long.

    Hope all is well on your end!

    Lots of Love,


  3. Oh that is just too much snow! No no no… Didn’t you hear me? The grass is greening up! *wheew* *wheew* (I’m blowing warmer air up your way!)

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