
I want to thank Dr. Goofy Girl for being my 63,000th visitor to Dackel Princess! I happened to go over to check on my statistics and I saw that I had reached this grand number! I can’t believe I have written a post nearly every day (1705 posts) since I started this blog back in 2005, nor can I believe that I have had 63,000 visits.

There will be more fun to come on the blog this spring with the arrival of Anneliese’s puppies April 25-26th and the breeding of Greta and Bernie again this summer!

I hope to have even more fun in the garden, with our fruit trees, with Weight Watchers, and summertime in New Hampshire.

Here’s to a another 63,000 visits!!!

Thanks for coming, reading and your continued loyalty!

9 thoughts on “63,000”

  1. This morning when I got up I thought it is quite a long time I didn’t hear of you. Now I understand you disappeared again from my Google Reader ! I was quite busy with garden and stuff so I did all my blogging early mornings answer my emails and look in Google Reader prepare my posts (the routine) so I didn’t realize immediately. I had to catch up what happened lately and I wanted to have news of Anneliese. Your olive oil adventure is funny ! This proves again that the cheapest is not always the worst. But your price seems extremely high to me.
    Saturday I will meet Diane she will be with Rennie in Brussels where he has a meeting. So I can show her Waterloo. That’s the first time I meet a Blogfriend life !!

  2. Hi Mom,

    That is quite a milestone! It must be wonderful to have so many people reading your blog each day!

    I will send you a seperate email in a few minutes.

    Lots of love,


  3. Ha ha, and I was going mad about 5000 visiters the other day. πŸ™‚
    Your 63.000 sound a whole lot better. But ok, you are writing since 2005 and I only started 2008.

    Keep on writing, can’t wait for some pictures of little Dackels. πŸ™‚

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