Frost Bite!

I did something really stupid. Actually two somethings. Ah well, what can I say, I’m getting old.

Yesterday Hubby and I celebrated our anniversary. We went shopping late in the day and I bought a bottle of champagne to celebrate. Oh, how nice, right?

Well I wanted to chill it quickly so I put it in the freezer and before I knew it we were out the door to go to dinner, and I completely forgot the champagne.

Now I should have just left it out for a few hours, but I wanted to pour two glasses, so I carefully opened the bottle and the bottle went off like a rocket. I jammed my index finger into the bottle, as my friend told me once that this would stop any champagne from overflowing.


You see, it froze, and while the champagne was spurting out, my index finger was freezing! Eventually the volcanic champagne bottle stopped exploding and I pulled out my finger only to find it shockingly white and frozen!

I put warm water on the finger and it hurt so much, so I stopped that. I tried cool water and that was better. At least I got some color back into the finger. But now, well, the champagne is frozen and we have it sitting on the shelf…..melting.

Our anniversary was wonderful. We had a great meal, spent some quiet time talking and reminiscing, and now we are sitting watching…..GOLF.

Yeah, it doesn’t get any more romantic than that!

Oh, and while I am thinking of it, I wanted to mention. I felt one of Anneliese’s pups move today! Now that was exciting!

8 thoughts on “Frost Bite!”

  1. I’ve never frozen my finger but we did once put a couple of beers in the freezer to chill down and forgot about them. Result next day was a spectacular frozen beer fountain in my freezer! Glad you had a nice anniversary and great news on Anneliese’s pups!

  2. Happy belated anniversary wishes. You have another memory to talk about now 😉

    When we were very much younger my hubby got a raise and bought a bottle of sparkling wine to celebrate. When he took the cork out it shot out the kitchen window, so the first payday’s raise went to the bill for the repair of the window glass. 😉

  3. Just watched the slide show, and it was very nice! I can’t believe it was 21 years ago that you got married! 🙂

    Hope you both have a great weekend!

    M & I are going to go to Foxwoods to play a little poker tonight! 🙂




  4. Sorry, but I am still laughing ! I just imagine the scene !
    Happy belayed wedding anniversary, I think this one you will remember !

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