
It was a lovely day here in New Hampshire on Saturday. The sun was bright, the skies were deep blue, and all around, life seemed to be settling back to normal.

Anneliese is more relaxed. She lounges with the pups, she hops out of the whelping box and cuddles with me or with Emily and no longer gets terrified if people come into the house. In fact she is the picture of a great doggy mommy!

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Her pups are also doing well. Big Boy Blue now has a name! His new owners wrote to tell me he will be called Baron! I love it! It really fits him!

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I felt bad that Blue was the only one with a name, so since Yellow is still not assigned I decided to name him. I wanted to name him after Anneliese’s father, Bernie. So Yellow’s proper name will be Bernd (a good German name) and we will call him Bernie, just like his grandpa!

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Emily spent a lot of time with the pups today, as her vacation is now over and she had to go home and start getting ready to go back to school on Monday.

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We tossed a few T-bone steaks on the grill when her Dad was here to get her, and we watched the Kentucky Derby Horse Race. A nice start to the summer cookout season.

The cherry blossoms are out in our yard. It’s starting to look truly beautiful here. Soon the apple trees will blossom and then the peach, pears and plum trees.

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Ah. Spring! Renewal. New life!

11 thoughts on “Spring!”

  1. I somehow that you named all the pups and then the new owners could pick a new name if they wanted. I want to hear what the little girls will be named. Love YOU, Mel

  2. I agree with Melli. Since you’ve had such a great “boy dog” in Arnie, it’s only right to balance the dackels:) He’s so cute, my greyhound loves little tiny dogs, she would love all of yours. Michele

  3. The cherry blossoms are so beautiful. I think all of our flowering trees have bloomed already. Everything is very green right now!

  4. Big boy yellow became a baron ? Good night Sir !
    They all look so cute and tiny in this big basket !
    I hope that Bernd has a better character as the Bernd I know, he is an awful snob, lol !

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