The Babies Are Growing

I noticed today that the pups are getting more active, and we also noticed that their eyes no longer appear to be completely fused shut. I would bet this means that by the weekend we will have some beautiful eyes opening up to the world.

Their ears have grown and their noses too, and they are starting to resemble their dackel ancestors.

They eat in a manner that can only be described as wild. At least Baron does. He is the largest and he really chows down!

I also took their pictures individually and tagged them, so you would know their little faces and their names.

May 7 015

May 7 003

May 7 007

May 7 016

Now aren’t those just the cutest faces?

Have a great day everyone, and a wonderful Mother’s Day Weekend!!!

9 thoughts on “The Babies Are Growing”

  1. Baron really does like his milk. He’s really going at it. They are all adorable! Love YOU, Mel

  2. Oh yea! When there little eyes open, then life will really get FUN! Then they’ll be toddlin’ around with those round little bellies and start getting to know the world away from Mama’s belly!

  3. Oh your puppy babies are so sweet. You could just kiss their little faces over and over again! It will be fun to see them when their little eyes open up.
    I hope you have a fun and blessed Mother’s Day, Maribeth.

  4. They all have names now…..does that mean they all have new homes someday? I love puppies!!

  5. Oh, so “Basti” didn’t make it into your top 2 for “boys’ names”, huh?
    But you picked cute names for all of them … they’re so adorable.

  6. This is SO much fun, sharing all of this right along with you.
    Oh, that Baron…lol Yup, a little chow hound. I just love their little furrowed brows and wrinkes. Gosh, they’re all so sweet.

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