Busy Day

Thursday was a busy, busy day. It started at 3 AM when Arnie woke me. He was sick to his stomach and releasing bodily fluids from both ends. He was tired and listless, and I was worried. He did not want me to let him alone, and just wanted to be held. So from 3 until 6:30, I was only able to get an occasional snore. At 6:30 I gave up.

At 8:30 I called our Veterinarian, and I brought him right in. He was dehydrated and so they fixed him up with an IV and some medication. He spent the day at the Vet’s office getting fixed up. Seems my boy picked up gastroenteritis.

Once I was sure that his being sick wouldn’t affect the puppies I relaxed a little, but all I wanted was for him to get well and come home.

I worked cleaning up and playing with the pups, but also took a little time just to be quiet. Feeling as tired as I did, I thought I needed to do this.

I took a few pictures of the litter today. I love the ones of the entire litter because you can see how huge the puppies have gotten in two and a half weeks. All of them are over two pounds now!

May 14 011

Just look at those big bodies! One note here. I ran out of black rick rack for Birgit’s collar, so she is now pretty in pink!

Arnie came home just before dinner. He still has his IV in, and they sent him home with one of those silly Elizabethan collars. Which he hated, so we took it off and he has left the IV completely alone.

He goes back in tomorrow for the rest of his medications and more fluids, and should be able to take his medication by mouth by the weekend.

So, it was a busy day. I’m tired, but grateful that my boy will be just fine. By tomorrow night he’ll be dining on boiled chicken and white rice. I wonder if he will want a little white wine with that?

14 thoughts on “Busy Day”

  1. Sorry to hear that Arnie is sick – hope he gets well soon and that you get more than occasional snores tonight 🙂

  2. LOL! I think he would pass on the wine after a belly ache like that! Hope he’s up and runnin’ soon!

    Those babies are growin’ way to fast! I think you should stop feedin’ ’em!

  3. Well, good thing you brought him in then! Sorry to hear he is not feeling well!

    I do also love the puppy pics of the whole litter. They are just gorgeous! 🙂

    Love you lots,


  4. Glad Arnie is better! I love the picture of the whole gang. Can’t wait to play with them. Love YOU, Mel

  5. Poor Arnie, Lisa had it too, but she just got a shot and two days later it was much better. The puppies are becoming cuter every day ! I only can say that Isegrim despite of his funny old name did a very good job, lol !

  6. Poor Arnie!! Nobody likes to throw up, no wonder he wanted his mommy!! The puppies are just adorable as is their mom 🙂 A lovely little family you’ve got there. I hope you and the gang all get some rest tonight!! My thesis was turned in yesterday so I get to play online again! Yeahhh!!!

  7. So glad he is home! But the Elizabethan collar can be very very useful – as I am finding with my dog, who had to have surgery. ~~anyway give the little tyke a big hug from his auntie linda.

  8. Poor Arnie! I’m glad to hear that he’s home and doing better! He really is too dignified to wear the collar, right? 🙂
    Puppies are looking so big!!

  9. Poor Arnie. Our greyhound had the same thing awhile back, but it was from getting into the trash and eating onions, which (I now know)are like poison to dogs. Not to mention, we had tossed a “bad” onion into the trash and run off to work. Poor baby. She’s big enough though, that she doesn’t dehydrate as quickly as your little guys do. She drank some water and I did the chicken and rice and scrambled eggs for her. She loved it!

  10. Ooooh, I’m so sorry to hear about Arnie! Gosh, wonder how he picked that up.
    I can’t get over how those pups are growing!

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