Uncle Arnie

The sweetest thing in the entire world happened today. I’d been cleaning the puppy box and then placed them back inside it with a new puppy toy, when Anneliese came in and went about nursing her babies. A couple of them fussed and before I could react, Uncle Arnie jumped into the box and began licking the babies.

May 24 016

Now here is the beautiful part. Anneliese never growled, didn’t react at all. It was perfectly natural to her and she accepted his presence and his care for her babies.

May 24 017

I’d always wondered about raising sibling dogs like this. How it would evolve over time. What their relationship would become. Well, I can tell you that Anneliese and Arnie truly love each other, trust each other and care for each other.

Arnie has become the Uncle to Anneliese’s babies. He loves them like they were his own and watches out for them in a really loving manner.

These wonderful dogs teach me so much each and every day. I am so blessed to be a member of their pack!

11 thoughts on “Uncle Arnie”

  1. That is just WAY to cute… Isn’t it amazing how pets really make you wonder at times, and more often than not, proving YOU wrong!!

    I am wondering how Macc & Jasmine are doing whilst I am away, and happy to report that the many ‘baby-sitters’ report they are doing ok… Can’t wait to get home and see them…

  2. OH MY GOODNESS, MB. This is absolutely awesome.

    And I love love love that second picture. Both the momma and the uncle look soooo darling.

    hugs to you all,

  3. Uncle Arnie still hasn’t raelized a pup is missing 😉

    They are SO adorable. 🙂 I am in love with Arnie. He’s so sweet…and Anneliese too. Wait Greta is my favorite 😉 She has to endure so much 😉

  4. That Arnie, what a great Uncle he is. I am not surprised that he jumped in with the pups, he was sure looking like he’d like to when we were there. Love YOU, Mel

  5. Oh Arnie is the best Uncle in the whole wide world. He takes good care of that little family. You know it’s his turn now right…a girlfriend for him must be found 🙂

  6. We had a cat that had a whole bunch of kittens once. There were already several other cats who lived here, too. Mickey, a neutered full grown male, was a kitten I raised on a bottle when he was a little thing and when Muffin needed a break he would catsit for her. It didn’t happen until a few weeks after the little ones were born. He loved them all…and there were a lot of them. They were his pals later on….when we wound up keeping some we couldn’t place. We are down to one now and she isn’t part of that mob.

    Your puppy family is sweet.

  7. I figured she might be okay with Arnie. But it won’t surprise me if she’s NOT okay with Greta. I think another female would be more threatening… she might want to “mother” them herself! WE can be like that sometimes too! I DO think it’s amazing that Arnie is even interested in them! And I think that is DARLING too!

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