This Is Tough

Thursday is going to be a tough day for Hubby and me. The last puppy from Anneliese and Isegrim will be leaving today.

Yes, we did the unthinkable. We fell in love with her.

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We didn’t set out to do this. In fact all along we have told ourselves that the puppies were owned by others, but somehow the longer they are with us, the harder it gets. And now. The last…

Hubby has had her out a lot. We’ve played with her, held her and cuddled her. Anneliese has even played with her.

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But, it is time for her to go. To a new family, with children and a Dad who will be training her for tracking. he will be outside, running and jumping and doing what little dackels should do. Find the wounded deer for their owners, by day and cuddle and play with the kids by night.

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She is a great gal, my Baerbel. As I watch her tonight, she is every bit like her Mom, Anneliese. She will make this family very happy!

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So good-bye Baerbel. You will be in my heart forever. Go with your new family and have a wonderful life!

6 thoughts on “This Is Tough”

  1. Aw, that must be the hardest part of breeding… saying goodbye to the babies. But you’ve done that so many times before and it must be so comforting to know that they go to wonderful homes.

  2. I can’t imagine. I would have a really hard time with that too. I will be thinking of you!

    Lots of love,


  3. I have tears in my eyes with you. We have loved the puppies too although not nearly as much as your family of course. I don’t think you can avoid falling in love with them and you shouldn’t really. You cant harden your heart and do the fabulous job you do. Sometimes in life things just have to hurt a bit. Its the price you pay for loving them.

  4. Oh yes…all the other comments here reflect my own thoughts, exactly.

    What a hard hard thing.


  5. I knew you’d fall in love with those puppies!! Look at the bright side, all of your other dogs will get so much more attention now.

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