Friday Questions…

1. What’s your best can’t-fail beauty secret?


2. What is your most successful shortcut?

Feeding the dogs early.

3. What do you see right now that makes you smile?

My dogs are playing. It never fails to make me smile!!

4. What is one thing you always ask when you first meet someone? (Thanks Michelle)

Where are you from?

5. Is there any CD in your collection that you like every song on? (Thanks Krista)

Yes, the CD’s I make.

6. Is there a DVD you watch repeatedly? (Thanks Krista)

“The Ghost & Mrs. Muir” I love that movie.

7 Tell me a little about your happiest experience. (Thanks Janey)

Giving birth. Seeing my babies for the first time. I’ll never be able to explain to them just how earth moving that was for me. I’ve had many other happy times, but no others that come close to seeing their beautiful faces for the first time!

8. Your most embarrassing? (Thanks Janey)

Yeah, thanks Janey (snort) I was riding a bike in Germany in the summer and everyone was nude sunbathing. Hubby was staring at all the nubile young bodies. I said, “I’ll give you something to look at” and I flashed my breasts. Just then a little old man came around the corner and almost fell off his bike! I almost died!

9. Your most outrageous? (Thanks Janey)

Getting up on stage at a nightclub and siging with the band. I was all of 21 or 22 and very drunk. I would never do that now. So I guess maybe that is both outrageous and embarrassing.

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