Puppies, Movies & Pregnant Dogs

Today I received updates and pictures of my two boys, Bogart and Baron. They are both doing well, and changing each and every day. Bogey looks so much like his Uncle Arnie. Quite a handsome fellow. His mom, Alexandra Daley-Clark sent me these pictures of her boy.

Bogart 11 weeks

Bogart 13 weeks

He is a cutie and Alex is a terrific photographer! Thanks for the great shots.

Then I heard from Baron’s new family. I looked at the pictures and thought, “Wow! He looks a lot like his Mom!”

Baron 13 weeks

He is happy with his new family and having a great time. He even went swimming the other day!

Baron  7 27a

It make me smile and feel so great to see these guys doing so well. Thanks for the pictures and keep them coming!


Gail and I went to see Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Wow was that good. I am so glad that we had our Harry Potter film festival over the weekend, so we knew everything up to the start of the movie.

Half Blood Prince

I suggest if you haven’t seen the movies in a while, watch them before you go. It really helps to make sense of it all.

After all, we are just mere “muggles”! Ha!

Tuesday morning at 11:30 we take Greta to the Vet’s for her pre-natal exam. I have my fingers crossed that she is, in fact, pregnant.

7 thoughts on “Puppies, Movies & Pregnant Dogs”

  1. Hi Mom,

    Sorr I didn’t write a note yesterday. I was in an all-day training session at work! Tonight, M is going out with his old boss for drinks, and D is coming down to MA to visit me! Yay! Girls night in! I am usually the one doing the drives, so I’m very excited to drive home only, and to be joined by my best buddy! 🙂

    Played volleyball last night in Mt. Vernon with my dad, Allyson, Robert and M. Lots of fun and good exercise!

    Resuming militant style diet on August 3rd!

    Love you lots,


  2. Ahhhhh! It is indeed good to see the pups in their new homes, happy and loved!

    Just wanted to let you know Maribeth – I saw your invite to FB – but I don’t share FB with friends – it’s strictly a family thing for me. 😉

  3. Hoping Greta comes through for you again. I’ve enjoyed this bunch of puppies so much and the pictures you have gotten from their new forever families are great.

    I can’t wait to see the Harry Potter movie. One of the ladies in my knitting group knit a Gryffindor scarf that was given away at some function. She knit it in the round to give it more fullness. It was really a cool scarf.

  4. Nice to see the puppy updates and know they are enjoying their new homes and people. I am also looking forward to seeing Harry Potter. My sons and I read all the books no matter how long they were! So I know what happens but I want to see the film anyway! Crossing my fingers for Greta!

  5. Great pics of the boys! Glad they are still sending you pictures.

    I checked out Bogey’s mom’s website-wow, she is a great photographer!

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