
Today it seemed that everything was right. The stars were aligned and baby puppies would be born. Alas, that is not the case. Greta is in the early stages of labor, but not actual labor. After 6 hours of worry, I took her to the Vet’s and they examined her. All is well, the puppies are all lined up and ready to go, but for now, we must wait!

Greta on day 61A

The red arrows point to the 5 little beings living inside of Greta! The first one is all lined up for delivery, and the other 4 should turn around and be ready to head out very soon!

So tonight I will sleep with Greta in the puppy room and hopefully she will relax enough to pop those babies out.

Go Greta!!!

7 thoughts on “Almost”

  1. exciting…watching your blog every day. Ali is doing great…she is always full of energy. Brad just left so she is crying by the door.

  2. Ahhhh… so now we know! FIVE pups! Do you have the names decided on? 5 boys, 5 girls? 3 more days til DUE Date…. could she hold on THAT long? Psh! I don’t think so!

  3. Go, Greta, Go!!! Push em out, Push em out, WAY out. We want to see those babies!!! Love YOU, Mel

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