Three Days Old

How come, every day when I wake up, I look over at the puppies and they have somehow gotten cuter?

We slept in this morning until 6:30. Greta had me up once in the night because she was feeling cold and wanted me to turn on the heater for the puppies. How did I know this? Well, I’m actually not sure. You see I was sound asleep one minute and the next I was awake and I just knew she was worried about the warmth of her babies. Call it mental telepathy!

Greta is a good Mommy. She tends to her brood very well. She doesn’t want to leave them for any reason. Hubby and I have to carry her outside so she can wee-wee. Yes, she is happiest when she is laying down with her babies and they are nursing her.

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They are pretty cute. Mr Green is one of the sweetest. He loves to eat! It seems that every time I check on them during the day, Mr. Green is nursing!

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He seems to be best friends with his sister. They are usually side by side, or on top of one another. She is very sweet. I think she looks very feminine, our little Christel!

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Yellow and Red boys are both big eaters, while our Mr. Blue eats, but also enjoys snuggling. So far they have all gained well over an ounce. Greta is eating like crazy and she is acting like herself once again.

I’ve been marveling at how small they are. Then I laugh. They are not any smaller than Anneliese’s pups were, but you forget. Then you hold that tiny puppy in the palm of your hand again and your realize, these guys really are that small!

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Another 10 days until their eyes will open. For now, they are truly helpless and the only thing that they accomplish each day is filling their bellies with milk and sleeping. That’s okay. Soon enough they will be running around in the back yard!

I kind of hope that time slows down a little right now. Since this is Greta’s last litter, I want to savor it. I want to watch the babies for hours. I want to share this with her. Sadly, time seems to fly by and before I know it, these babies will be going to their new forever homes.

8 thoughts on “Three Days Old”

  1. I swear they do get cuter each day too! I love watching them grow and seeing new pictures each day. What fun! Love YOU,Mel

  2. Soooo precious. I bet their tini-ness IS amazing.

    It is such a relief to hear that Greta is back to her healthy self.


  3. Hi…they are so adorable…Hannah will love the pics when I show her them in the morning :-)She just started Kindergarten, so I know how time flys, yikes..hope to see the pups soon 🙂

  4. Hi Maribeth,

    I love your blog and dogs. I am actually interested in finding out where I can purchase two wirehaired dachshund puppies for pets. I am not interested in breeding them, just looking for a pair for our home. Can you help me?



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