One Week

Can you believe that it has been one week since the puppies were born? Yep. One whole week! In that week we have watched the puppies double their weights, Greta recover to her usual self, and my sleep deprivation has nearly vanished, as I am sleeping better each night.

But oh, those puppies are amazing. They came into this world these tiny little things, hardly resembling a puppy, and in a week they have more pup-like features and fat little bellies! I think how quickly the time is passing. By next week they’ll have their eyes open and will begin their discovery of the world around them.

Meanwhile, I made up a short montage of pictures that I took today. I hope you enjoy it!

4 thoughts on “One Week”

  1. Oh, they are really adorable.
    One week old sweeties.

    here we have kittens – but they stay at Solvi’s home, while we keep hold of her Stompa and our Rosa.
    Would have liked to se them more often.
    But, in a way, it might be easier to hand them over to new owners not being too fascinated from the four of them.
    Besides, Ingelin, is moving to Germany this Sunday, but will return in October. Just before the Birth of her child (mid october), and my Mothers 90-years anniversary.

    have a great weekend

    Tor and Anna

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