This & That

Over the weekend I had a 48 hour virus of some sort. I didn’t move out of my recliner too often and found I had a wonderful nurse while I recovered. Was it Greta? No. Anneliese? No. Fritz? No. It was my sweetheart, Arnie! He hardly left my side. Here is a picture of my boy all snuggled up in the blankets with me. And yes, those are my super warm, leopard print, flannel pajamas!

Sept. 21 Arnie9

I mean, just look at that sweet face!

Sept. 21 010

I did get in to play and visit with the puppies, but I am more than grateful to Greta for being a totally awesome Mom to her kids.

Sept. 21 018

They are growing like crazy and they are actually getting up on their little legs and walking around. Here is a short video of them walking today.

I also got a cute picture of Claus and Caspar together. Do you suppose they are twins or something? They seem to have this friendship and are always together.

Sept. 21Claus and Caspar3 Sept. 21 Claus Caspar6

I will leave you this morning with this picture of Christel and Caspar. They were playing like crazy and just cracked me up.

Sept. 21 Christel and Caspar13

Have a great day everyone!

7 thoughts on “This & That”

  1. Claus and Casper may be twins or just have been together in the womb and they may know that they will be together in their new home too! Love the little video. So adorable! Love YOU, Mel

  2. Glad to hear you are feeling better and had such a good nursemaid! The pictures of Arnie in the blankets with you are adorable.

    Have a great day, and love you lots,


  3. Ohhhhh sorry you were feeling so poorly this weekend. I do hope you’re 100% now… Must be hard to have 5 puppies when you’re not feeling well. I hope Jack helped… I’m sure he did. LOVE the jammies! LOL!

  4. I´m glad you´re feeling better! I guess it helps if you have such cute little things to look at and watch! 🙂
    They are adorable and I´m starting to recognize my favorite….Caspar!

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