Anneliese’s Babies

I received a wonderful Christmas card today from the family who now owns Baerbel. It was a photo card showing her with her children, Alexander and Eliza, and then two other pictures showing her with Grandpa after she helped locate his deer, and the last with her brother Baron after they did some tracking together back in September!

bel and children

I am always so happy to get cards and pictures of my babies.

bel and doe2

I watched each and every one of Anneliese’s babies make their way into this world. My hands were the first to hold them. I raised them loving them with my whole heart and then…before I knew it, they were off to start their new lives.

Barona nd Bel

Did that ever go fast! Right after Christmas they will be 8 months old! Now they are proper dogs, training to become helpers for their owners and others, and best of all their work takes them out into the woods where they can run and exercise and enjoy life.

All of Anneliese’s pups seem to have a great nose for tracking, and I am so pleased that all of them are being trained. I have watched dogs train with their owners to become trackers. The relationship between dog and owner is truly a wonderful thing. I feel so blessed to breed these wonderful dogs.

6 thoughts on “Anneliese’s Babies”

  1. The poor dear ! taking photos of this murder ! How disgusting.

    I like the photo with the children and cute Bärbel, she only did her job.

  2. Dearest Maribeth,
    you really did a great job to raise such wonderful babies. And I appreciate it very much you found wonderful homes for them! Here in Germany we often have mass breeders and there is just the money they want to get for litters….
    Your really are a good breeder. You do your “work” with all your heart feelings. That is great.
    Love Uschi

  3. Looks like they’ve become successful little trackers too! Goooooo pups! LOL! Poor Gattina – she has no idea what a problem deer have become on our nations highways! SOME of them HAVE TO GO!

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