Getting Back To Being Me

Today I got out……alone. After Weight Watchers I drove to the next town and gassed up my Jeep, picked up Hubby’s favorite salad dressing, and then shopped for the foods to make me thin.

Yogurt, fake eggs, and new low sugar instant oatmeal! I’m not sure how that will taste, but I am hoping that it will be good. I also hit the vegetable isle and loaded the shopping cart with all sorts of yummy vegetables, and fish. I got the most delicious piece of Swordfish that Hubby and I shared for dinner.

By the time I got to the check out register I realized I was feeling pretty tired. Make that extremely tired. It then dawned on me that I have not done so much since early December. This was a first.

So I drove home, stopping for our mail and picking up a salad for my lunch. I came into the house and was greeted by excited and happy doggies, who I immediately let out to run. I put away the frozen foods, and once I got the dogs in, I sat down and had my salad.

Hubby arrived back home from skiing and he carried the groceries up for me. What a doll! After I put everything away, I sat down, pulled the blanket over my lap and fell asleep for about an hour. I woke feeling groggy, with three dackels draped all over me.

The best part of the day was that I actually did get out. I did get the shopping done, and I got the groceries put away. I’m getting back on my feet and that is a very good thing.

5 thoughts on “Getting Back To Being Me”

  1. You and me, kiddo…out doing too much too soon. We need to pace ourselves a little. Your hubby is a nice fellow to carry the goceries up for you. It doesn’t seem like much, but it is.

    The veg at our grocery hasn’t been wonderful lately, but then I haven’t been shopping much lately. Hubby has taken over that job for a while.

  2. Good work, just don’t overdue!
    It’s snowing here,just light pretty flakes! Sending you a big hug this morning! Love YOU, Mel

  3. Now I catched up on your blog ! I don’t know what happened, but the days are going by sooo fast. I finally got my passport which I should pick up in September ! A story to write for Saturday. I wished I could continue with my compiled news, but besides tragedies, disasters, murders etc, there were no funny news lately.

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