12 Hours

I’m not sure what happened to Monday. It seemed the day had just begun (6:45 AM-thank you doggies!), and before I knew it, I put the last dish into the dishwasher and turned it on, made the coffee for tomorrow and sat down.

So between 6:45 AM and 6:45 PM, what have I accomplished?

I made three meals for Hubby and myself, and I am mad at myself because the ribs were overcooked! Hubby ate them without saying a word, but I knew I could have done better.

I brought all three dackels to the Veterinarian’s office for shots, nail clipping and to have Greta examined. She has been having trouble with her neck and I got very worried after my trip because she was having an increase of these painful episodes.

So I brought her in and they examined her completely. They could feel a small lump around the back of her head and when they were doing the exam she showed that she was having some pain.

Greta has always been a very active runner and jumper. I have trained Arnie and Anneliese to use the doggy stairs that I have all over the house. Greta will look at them, and then jump by them! She has also taken a few tumbles off the bed and I am afraid she may have hurt herself doing something along those lines.

In any case, we are treating her with anti inflammatory, and pain medication. I will also try to keep her quiet and let things settle down. It won’t “fix” the problem, but it will make her more comfortable.

Dackels are so prone to these sorts of things, and they tend to be their own worst enemy, as they jump up and down and put so much stress on those long, low backs.

After the Vets, I came home, did some paper work (I still can’t believe I actually have to deal with papers I do almost everything via the computer now),  and decided to go in search of hidden dog bones.

I retrieved 5 bones that had been expertly hidden by the three dackels! But I also found some dust bunnies, so tomorrow I will have to get out the vacuum and get those dust bunnies out of here!

Then it was time for dinner and so the day ended. Twelve hours and I was amazingly busy, I got a lot of things done, but the time, that seemed to just fly by.

Jan 31 09 002

Goodnight Moon!

7 thoughts on “12 Hours”

  1. Poor Greta, that’s the age probably, there is nothing to do than help her as you do. Rosie is still at the Vet I will call this afternoon. There is nothing I can do for the moment but wait.

  2. Ohhhhh that was Amanda’s FAVORITE story! I have it memorized! Goodnight Moon!

    My day whizzed by yesterday too! And I’m positive it wasn’t NEARLY as productive as yours! As a matter of fact… I STILL have dishes in the sink to prove it. UGH! So WHY am I on the computer? Cuz I love you guys! LOL! I hope Greta is feeling better soon… and the dust bunnies DIE!

  3. Just a suggestion, I have 3 Std Longhaireds that I run in agility. My “star” hurt himself ramming around when he was about 5 years old, and would come up lame after our first run of the day, no one could figure out what was wrong with him until I took him to a canine sports massage specialist, she knew right away what his problem was and fixed it! He is still running great at 12.5 years old. Most vets these days are open to this and they might even know of someone in your area. I would highly recomend it.

    I hope Greta feels better soon, love your site!

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