Loving Spring

This morning I woke to bright sun and another beautiful day. However, after my long walk yesterday I was literally doubled over with leg cramps last night. I tried to walk them off, but wound up using my heating pad to release the muscle spasms.

Okay, yes, I know. I am old!

I made sure the pups all played in the yard with their toy balls, got a little domestic work done, before going to see a matinee of “Crazy Heart”.


First off, we were the only people in the theater to watch the movie. I was really surprised by that! After all Jeff Bridges won the Best Actor Academy Award for his portrayal of the lead character. The nice part about being the only people in the theater? We could talk during the movie, ask to have the volume adjusted, and when I got a charlie horse in my leg I could stand and no one complained!


I think I am the only person on the planet that didn’t like this movie. I want to have some sympathy/empathy for the lead character, but he was a dirty, down on his luck, and not doing much to help himself, drunk and I just couldn’t like him. In fact I wanted to scream at Maggie Gyllenhaal’s character to run the other way!

Hubby liked the movie and felt it was a great character study. He also felt the movie is not for every one. He liked the music.

Yes, Jeff Bridges was good, but heck, I liked him better in “The Fabulous Baker Boys” or “Fearless” better than I did in this. But….no one asks me.

I thought Maggie Gyllenhaal looked very beautiful. Someone said recently that she has trouble getting good parts because she is not beautiful enough. I do not find this to be the case, and I like her acting as well. She was wonderful in “World Trade Center” a true story movie she made a few years back. If you have not seen it, watch it. That movie reminded me of how good Americans can be during a crisis like that.

We came home to wild dogs, who wanted to play outside. Hubby took them out and I made some tea.

The ice is nearly gone from our small lake and I will not be surprised if they declare ice out on the Big Lake today or tomorrow, which would break all records!

Sunday will be a catch-up day. I need to do laundry and some more cooking and perhaps even do something wildly crazy, like dust!


5 thoughts on “Loving Spring”

  1. I haven’t seen the movie and it doesn’t appeal to me at all. Before you tell that you are old you should look at my friend Ilona’s mother ! She is 85 does Yoga movements like a snake and when she walks with us we are behind her, she walks so quick ! It’s just terrible ! She was last year in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and will go to Jerusalem and Jordan on a round trip this year ! So don’t tell me you are old or I feel like a mummy. She really is my example. She also doesn’t look her age at all !

  2. The reason you were the only people in the the theater is because is was GORGEOUS outside! I hope you got some time in the sun with the dackels! I did not love this movie either but I really do love Maggie Gyllenhaal!

  3. Ah, too bad you didn’t like the movie… every movie with Jeff Bridges is pretty much a “must-see” for me. I think he’s a genius actor.
    I loved him especially in “The big Lebowski” and “The Fisher’s King” (have you seen that one?).

    I also like Maggie Gyllenhaal a lot.

  4. I haven´t even heard of this movie yet, but when I do, I´ll think of you. 🙂 I think I would like to see it, I like Jeff Bridges.
    I´m so glad things are warming up for you. Hope you enjoy this week!

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