The Day After

The day after Easter found me exhausted! lol! I sat sipping my coffee on Monday morning, in a clean house, which was good, because I had very little ambition. I decided to take the day off. Do a little email writing, TV watching and Owl observing.

However, I was feeling guilty about the fact that dinner wasn’t up to my standards yesterday, so I decided to cook Hubby a nice rotisserie chicken for his dinner Monday night. The only thing was, he had a meeting at 6 o’clock, so I needed to have dinner on the table at 5 PM. That’s okay, just meant I had to start everything an hour and a half earlier than normal.

So, the dogs got fed at 4:15 (45 minutes early), and I worked on making a nice dinner after that. The chicken smelled great, and I made baked potatoes and eggplant roll-ups to go on the side.

The trees and shrubs are all budding and this is a problem for me. Seems I am allergic to this process and so I spend part of the last few days with severe allergy symptoms. Ahhhh-choooooo!

And my final piece of news is that Mandy’s cat, Maestro went to Rainbow Bridge over the weekend. He was a big, beautiful, Tuxedo cat with a heart of gold. I will miss him, and I know Mandy will too. I’m so sorry Sweetheart.

kitties and food

Rest in peace, dear Maestro.

7 thoughts on “The Day After”

  1. My sympathies to Mandy for her loss. I´m sure she´ll miss him. He sure looks like one BIG cat!
    You dinner sounds really good. You´re such a good wife. I don´t even feel guilty when I don´t make a good dinner… 🙂

  2. My gosh, that cat was HUGE! I love tuxedos! They are so pretty! I’m so sorry Mandy…

    I know how you are feeling with this pollen! My allergy is oak … and oak pollen is HORRIBLE this year! I haven’t suffered in years from my allergies – but this year I can’t get away from it… I hope it rains soon and gets SOME of it out of the air!

  3. I’m so sorry to hear about Maestro, he does look very handsome in that picture – just as your daughter is.

    …and I do hope that your allergy not is too bad.

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