
Hot. Yes Sunday found us having our first real hot day. The temperature was 87 degrees (F) (or 31C.) here, and it was very humid! The sun peeked out for a bit, but mostly it was overcast and like I said, very muggy.

Sunday, while Hubby was at work, I cleaned, I did laundry, and I ironed. Truthfully, I felt pretty good about it, because I really like it when I get a lot accomplished!

While I was doing all of the above, I watched three movies. All movies I have seen before. The Blind Side, The Lake House, and Julie and Julia. Seeing The Blind Side again, I liked it even more the second time around.

The apple trees in our yard are so totally beautiful! I went out with the pups and took some pictures of the blossoms. Here is a short montage of the beautiful blossoms.

Our Apple Trees from Dackel Princess Maribeth on Vimeo.


We also have beautiful blooming pears.

May 02 10 pear5

And in my green house, all the little seeds I have planted are sprouting, with the exception of the regular eggplant. I just do not seem to have the knack for doing that!

May 02 10 013

Time to kick off my shoes, get my nightie on, and watch some TV. Hope you all have a great Monday!

6 thoughts on “Abundance”

  1. I can´t believe last week you wrote about how cold it still was in your area and the next it´s 31°C! That sure changes quickly. But I bet the plants are loving it. Who takes care of all your seedlings when you leave for German?

  2. Yes, It was hot here too! Lovely slide show!! I hope there are lots of apples and pears to share!!! Love YOU, Mel

  3. Oh those are beautiful! I was sO hoping for a shot though that looks out into the orchard and sees allllll the trees in bloom! Can we have THAT one? I can’t believe how BIG my summer squash plants are already! They are growing like weeds!

  4. Looks fabulous all of it, and doesn’t it feel great after a long winter with lots of snow when things start blooming and it gets all nice and green again! Enjoy your abundance my friend!

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