What Not To Wear!

On Wednesday, after Weight Watchers Class (don’t ask), I went out to shop for a skirt and top to wear to Hubby’s Army Reunion. I wanted something light and pretty and yes, girlie. Living in a colder state, I am more inclined to wear, jeans a t-shirt and a sweater than almost anything else. But today, I thought, what the heck, I want to be a woman!

Oh I tried a few places and was very discouraged by what I found. Crap. Then I called my best friend, and  resident fashionista, Gail, for some real help.

She has such a sense of good taste and style, something that I lack, living in the back woods of New Hampshire. Gail is my “What Not To Wear” girl and she is a great help. She also works for  major fashion company, and as I entered their store, I got her on the phone for some help.

Gail lives in Delaware, so shopping is done via Verizon Cell phone, and since she knows the lines of clothes that are carried there she could guide me.

I tried on a few things and just hated them. I was feeling lost and alone until the little voice in my ear started talking to me.

Try this skirt, not that. Go for this top, not that. No dark solid colors, go for some prints and color! (She knows that color to me is navy blue)

I finally found two outfits. Two skirts and two tops that made me look pretty, finished and yes, like a girlie-girl!

Here is the first one.


And the second one.


What to do, what to do! I knew I shouldn’t get both outfits. I really could just afford one, and then I discovered that everything was 40% off!

You guessed it. Both outfits are now hanging on the door to my bedroom.

Sept 29 006

However, I will need to wear “girlie shoes” with these outfits. Oh sweet mother of God! Heels!

I actually own shoes that will go with these outfits, but neither one of the shoes are broken in, which shows you how often I actually wear dress-up shoes! So, I am now wearing them with ankle socks to stretch them out a little and prepare them and my feet for next week!

If only one could wear these gorgeous creations with sneakers!

Saturday finds me getting my hair done and then Sunday I hope to get everyone together to prepare them for our departure. My neighbors are all moving in to house sit and care for the pups. We’re so lucky to have people close by that actually move in to care for my little fur family!

11 thoughts on “What Not To Wear!”

  1. I agree with Carol. The second one is my fave too. Very pretty. I think with a pink top it will look so nice on you!
    So nice of your neighbors to house sit for you. We have good neighbors like that too.
    Have a good weekend!

  2. You are just like me! I want to wear those pretty clothes too… but then come the shoes… oh I have even gone so far as to try the shoes ON… and I LOVE shoes – I DO. In my closet. Not on my feet! But I can NOT bring myself to pay money for HEELS! I know they will kill me… Those skirts ARE beautiful though… almost worth the pain… 🙂

  3. Very cute skirts ! I don’t wear skirts anymore since I stopped working. I don’t feel well in them.
    I have evening trousers with a nice blouse or top which looks very “dressed up” too.

  4. Ha ha, I’m reading your posts from newest to oldest on Google Reader so I was trying to figure out why you were wearing ankle socks with those shoes. Now I know! Both of those skirts are lovely – so feminine. You’ll look fabulous.

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